Peter & Isabella's Wedding

10TH June 2023
Brooklands Motor Museum, Weybridge

We are excited to invite you to our wedding at one of our favourite locations...
Brooklands Motor Museum

As most of you will know, we are massive fans of cars and motorsport and this is what bought us together. We felt this was the perfect location to have our wedding and finally become Mr & Mrs Cooper.

If you have any questions at all please do fee free to email us at

We cant wait to share our special day with you.

The Venue
Brooklands Motor Museum, Weybridge
Travel & Parking
How to get there and where to park
Nearby places to stay
Contribute to our honeymoon
What to expect on the day
Let us know if you're coming (or not)
Frequently Asked Questions

The Venue

Brooklands Motor Museum, Weybridge

Opening hours 10am to 5pm

As a guest at our wedding you will have full access to the museum during opening hours. We recommend taking full advantage of this as it it a fantastic place to visit.

If you want to bring your kids to our wedding they are more than welcome.

After the museum is closed access is restricted to the clubhouse area for the evening reception.

Travel & Parking

How to get there and where to park

Sat Nav Postcode KT13 0QN

Brooklands Museum is located between Weybridge and Byfleet in Surrey.
Just a few minutes from Junction 10 of the M25 and the A3 London-Portsmouth trunk road or half an hour on the train from London Waterloo.   

Parking is free in the main museum car park (see map).

Overnight parking is not allowed - if you are staying at the Brookland's Hotel then please use their car park.


Nearby places to stay

Brooklands Hotel
01932 335710
£130 Friday, £160 Saturday (with discount)
Walking distance

Discounted rates using the code BHS-GF1860 for bookings made before 30th April.

Please check other hotel websites to ensure you get the best price.

Premier Inn - Addlestone
0333 234 6439
£50 (pre-booked)
4 miles / 15 minutes drive

Group taxis can be organised depending on demand

If you intend to stay at the Brookland's Hotel then please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

A list of alternative nearby hotels is available on the Brooklands Motor Museum website


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the dress code?
The dress code for our wedding is semi-formal.

Are children allowed to attend?
Yes we'd love your children to come.

Who can I bring with me?
The guest list is strictly limited and invite-only. You invitation should include all named guests. If you find your invitation is incorrect or wish to change / add someone then please let us know in advance via email.

What if I have RSVP'd but find that I cannot make it?
Please let us know as soon as possible by phone.

What time should I arrive?
If attending ceremony: 11:30AM.
If attending wedding breakfast: 13:00PM.
If attending evening event: 17:00PM.

Are there any restrictions on photos / social media?
No but please be mindful of sharing pictures of other people's children, if present.
Information on sharing photos to a virtual wedding album will be available on the day.

Any further questions
Please email


Contribute to our Honeymoon

Because we have lived together for many years and now have a beautiful little girl we don't see much point having a traditional registry.

If people wish, they can contribute to an amazing family holiday that will be our honeymoon.

You can do this via the PayPal link below or there will be a post box at the venue for cards and gifts.


What to expect on the day

If you wish to come for the reception and evening, please arrive around 14:00

We are happy to have a small ceremony so we honestly won't be offended if you only come to the reception!


Ceremony guests arrive




Reception drinks and museum visits


Wedding breakfast






Evening buffet




Let us know if you're coming (or not)

© Copyright 2022 - Isabella Ellison & Peter Cooper - All Rights Reserved